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Rabu, 30 Mei 2018


Argumentative Essay task 2

Playing Video Games : Good or Bad?
            The Entertainment Software Association reports that 17% of video game players are boys under the age of eighteen and that 36% are woman over the age og eighteen, with 48% of all gamers being women of all ages. Video gaes controversies are sociated and scientific arguments about whether the content of video games change the behavior and attitudes of a player and whether this is reflected in video game culture overall. Dectractors argue that video games are harmful and therefore should be subject to legislative oversight and restrictions. The positive and negative characteristics and effects of video games are the subject of scientific study. Although some people and parents oppose playing video games, there is some evidence that playing video games is good and positive result.
            Opponents of playing video games will experience financial loss, but there is evidence that playing video games give profit for financial. According to experts video games ‘good for you’, US scientists that regular players of shoot-em-ups, such as half-life and medal of honour, have much better visual skills than most of the population. Shawn Green and Daphae Bavilier Pitted Keen players of computer games against people who never play in a series of psychological tests that measure basic visual skills. In the online game, you learn to save gold or coins, that currency usually used in the game, to be used as a necessity. Examples such as buying weapons, items, armor, and also characters. In addition, video games can earn you maney from the sale of items you own or from tournament result if you will. Indirectly, playing video games teach you how to manage finances not only in the game, but in real life as well.
            Opponents of playing video games, there are some problems for concentration, but some people say that can increase for thinking positively. The positive impact of playing the second game is spending up the piker pattern. How can? This is benefit will you get if you often play strategy games that will stimulate your brain to be able to think quickly, especially in making decisions. So also from game developers are not origin in making a game. Any leveled game will trigger ways of thinking and use logic in solving problems within the game.
            Playing video games also beneficial for IQ, games can also enhance a personal ability to keep his emotions. Playing video games not only to find ways to save gold, in creative way , even some gamers can find bugs that developers may not be a lot of. A person who likes to play games usually has a wider  problem solving personality. Play video games have only leveled game will trigger ways of thinking and use logic in solving problems within the game.
            Opponents also claim that achievement decreased, there are some people that increase skill ability. Other data in the field shows that 30% of respondents get the top 10 rangking and 70% of respondents are rated non 10 big. This means that most of respondents achieving less than the maximum, but they feel that the video games don’t interfue with the pattern of learning and achievement. Some researchers have suggested that gamers who play games are usually highly intelligent, motivated, and achievement-oriented individuals.
            The final argument advanced by opponents of playing video games is that it is good and bad. However, some people supports exactly the opposite conclusion that is bad from playing video games. Several researchers have shown that playing video games is good for us. So clearly, this is good and bad. Playing video games is good for people to entertain or refresh our brain but playing video games that is copious will negative effect for players.
            It should be evident that the arguments against playing video games is good and bad. On the contrary, many people and parents involved that playing video games is good and bad. Disadvantages for playing video games is addiction, lazy and time is not controlled. Furthermore, playing video games also are not disadvantages but they have many benefit. Finally, good and bad occurs in playing video games, so this is valid argument. Therefore, in my opinion, playing video games is bad should be changed.


Outline task 2

I.  Introduction
Thesis statement : Although some people and parents oppose playing video games, there is some evidence that playing video games is good and positive result.

II.    Body
A.    Opposing Argument 1
Opponents of playing video games will experience financial loss, but there is evidence that playing video games give profit for financial.
Rebuttal to argument 1
1.      According to experts-show opposite result.
2.      Other result say that set up financial.
B.     Opposing Argument 2
Opponents of playing video games, there are some problems for concentration, but some people say that can increase for think positively.
Rebuttal to argument 2
1.      Playing video games can increase the work of brain.
a.       Creative.
b.      The ability of problem solving.
C.     Opposing Argument 3
Opponents also claim that achievement decreased, there are some people say that increase skill ability.
Rebuttal to argument 3
1.      Some of researchers-show opposite result.
2.      The other data claim that playing video games don’t molest toward form of study and achievement.
D.    Own point of view
1.      Playing video games have advantages and disadvantages.
2.      Reason.
a.       Playing video games is good for people to entertain or refresh.
b.      Playing video games that is copious will give negative effect.

III.      Conclusion

worksheet of argumentative essay task 1

Name : Siti Fatimah
Class  : A
SRN   : 1601121096

I.       WELCOME
Welcome     :   Introduction to argumentative writing- playing video games: good or bad?
Description :   An argumentative writing or essay is a genre of writing that requires the student to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate evidence, and establish a position on the topic in a concise manner. In this webquest, you’ll leern to develop points or arguments and counterpoints on the issue of globalization in economic sector!
Curriculum :    English / Languange Arts
Keywords   : Argumentative essay, argumentative writing, globalization in economic sector , pros and cons.
Author (s)   :    Siti Fatimah

You are taking the journey to explore the basic structure, techniques and steps to write a good argumentative essay and how yo can persuade and present well-reasoned arguments on a debatable issue-is globalization in economic sector? 

I.       TASKS
Imagine, your task is to investigate, gather and develop ideas or information on either one of these below:
Step 1 : search on webquest argumentative essay (
Step 2 : read and understanding the webquest, you have found in step 1 as the guideline
Step 3 : follow the guidelines of the webquest, that is the menu such as welcome, introduction, task, process, evaluation and conclusion.
Step 4 : follow the guideline in step 3 refer to your own topic, writer type the explanation of each menu is your worksheet such as welcome, introduction, task, process, evaluation and conclusion.
Step 5 : for the task, please adjust it according your own topic. For the process please explore the new information or article supporting your arguments in internet. For the evaluation, please adjust it according to scoring rubric of argumentative essay. For the conclusion, please conclude.

I.       PROCESS
1.      Remember, before your embark in the quest to write an argumentative essay, make sure you have read the articles and watch videos on the steps, format structure, developing arguments, writing the introduction, writing the first argument and conclusion of an argumentative essay.
2.      Each of you takes the role as a researcher to explore, investigate and write a report on each topic: the structure of an argumentative essay, the steps in writing a good argumentative essay and the technique or approach to write a good argumentative essay. Then, combine your work on these topics and present your findings to the class.
3.      Next, read the articles given and why should it be change our mind about difficulty in economic sector.
4.      list down all the pros and cons using the outline. Then, each of you decide what stance to take, whether globalization in economic sector is bad or the opposite
5.      Write your argumentative essay in 350 words using a good thesis statement and the minimal five-part structure you have already learnt.
6.      Post and share your work in the classroom blog created by your teacher for assessment and comments.  
Journal globalisasi ekonomi dan implikasinya.pdf

Scoring Rubric 

Congratulations and Well Done!
In your journey of exploration, you have learnt the important skills to write a good argumentative essay! As a researcher, you have gathered some information on the structure, steps and techniques to write a good argumentative essay. Are there any other important tips on how to write a good argumentative essay? What are some of the tips or guidance given by experts or tutors?    
You have also successfully accomplished the task in writing the argumentative essay on the issue of globalization in economic sector !
Journal globalisasi ekonomi dan implikasinya.pdf